Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences

Your gift will support initiatives designed to increase student scholarships, establish graduate student fellowships and expand student engagement in transformative learning opportunities, such as study abroad experiences, field schools and research or artistic collaborations with faculty members.  Your gift also will enable students from families with limited economic resources to have access to a high quality education and to minimize their student debt.

Your contribution will support innovative teaching activities, engaging research endeavors, inspiring creative performances and challenging learning opportunities.  Through participating in classes offered by our college and its units, students acquire a deeper understanding of the complexities of human experience and social life. They also develop skills in communication and problem solving that prepare them to address the challenges they will face as 21st Century citizens.

Please give today to one of the following funds in the College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences.  These funds provide vital support for our students and for the faculty who provide them with engaging and life-changing learning experiences.

Together, we can help students have educational experiences that will enable them to broaden their perspectives, sharpen their analytic skills, embrace new challenges and deepen their understandings of themselves and others.  We also can help students become thoughtful, innovative, and socially engaged leaders who can effectively solve problems in their communities and workplaces.

Thanks for taking the time to read this message and to consider making a gift.  Any contribution that you will make is greatly appreciated.  It will support high quality students and a tradition of academic excellence in the College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences.

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