Science and Mathematics

As you consider making a gift to the College of Science and Mathematics or one of its nine departments on this Day of Giving, please remember that your generosity has an impact on our students that can literally be life-changing.

The College of Science and Mathematics and its constituent departments are leading North Dakota and beyond in providing a quality education for science and mathematics majors as well as general education and support courses for all NDSU majors. We are employing state-of-the-art teaching methods and technologies that are measurably improving the quality of student learning. Examples include our Learning Assistants program, the Math Emporium Active Learning Laboratory, Course-Based Undergraduate Research Experiences and many others. Our graduates find careers in industry, government, K-12 and higher education, and NGO’s to name a few. The college is also contributing top-notch research to improve the economy, security, health, environment, and general quality of life in the state and beyond. We are able to attract some of the world’s best teachers and researchers as well as top students, in large part due to the generosity of people like you.

The most important aspects of your giving to the College of Science and Mathematics or one of its departments are:

Your contribution towards one of the general funds provide students with opportunities that enhance their education such as participation in field trips, attendance at conferences and competitions, participation in undergraduate research, hearing visiting speakers, access to state-of-the-art equipment, etc. These funds also support the professional development of faculty which directly benefits our students.

Your contribution towards one of the scholarship funds helps reduce the financial load to our students, allowing them to focus on achieving degrees and moving into positions of leadership throughout the region.

Your contribution to the Science Classroom Modernization Project will help us keep science classrooms up to date with the latest teaching technologies and specialized scientific equipment beyond what is routinely provided by the university. Your gift will enable and enhance our ability to employ the most effective teaching methods.

Science and Mathematics-Elnore and Ron Grow Match
Fantastic news! The Elnore and Ron Grow match of $7,500.00 has been met with donations going to the College of Science and Mathematics.
$7,500 MATCHED
Science and Mathematics-Jerrold Mayer Geo Alumni Match
Thanks to the generous donors to the College of Science and Mathematics, the Jerrold Mayer Geo Alumni match of $10, 000.00 has been met!
$10,000 MATCHED
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