College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences


Your gift today will support scholarships for outstanding students in the College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences with limited economic resources. With your help, we can also support graduate student fellowships and expand student engagement in transformative learning opportunities, such as study abroad experiences, field schools and research or artistic collaborations with faculty members. 


Your contribution will support innovative teaching activities, engaging research endeavors, inspiring creative performances and challenging learning opportunities to build crucial skills including creative problem solving, critical thinking, innovative reasoning and artistic expression to broaden their perspectives and embrace new challenges.

Donor Heatmap
Rank State Gifts
1 ND 63
2 MN 24
3 OH 2
Anonymous Architecture Challenge
25 gifts to a fund in the Department of Architecture and Landscape Architecture will unlock $50,000 as part of the Anonymous Architecture Challenge. If 25 gift challenge met, another 25 gifts will unlock an additional $50,000!
50 / 50 Gifts
NDSU Press Giving Day Match
Tom Isern and Suzzanne Kelley will match donations given to the North Dakota State University Press Fund $1:$1, up to $5,000!
$1,675 MATCHED
Vance Olson Performing Arts Match
Vance Olson will match donations given to NDSU Performing Arts $1:$1, up to $5,000.
$5,000 MATCHED
Don't forget to share!

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